Custom-Built Isothermal Calorimeter Internal View

Custom-Built Isothermal Heat Conduction Calorimeter

Prologue A Heat Conduction Isothermal Calorimeter is used to determine the heat flow rate of a specific process or reaction, in my case, it is designed to measure the heat rate of hydration of cement in the field of Civil Engineering and Materials Science. The purpose of this custom-built Isothermal Calorimeter is to undertake the ASTM C1702 Standard Test Method for Measurement of Heat of Hydration of Hydraulic Cementitious Materials Using Isothermal Conduction Calorimetry....

November 23, 2019 · 8 min · Ahmed Hefnawi

How to Program Yaesu FT-4X Handheld Radio using CHIRP on Linux

This post was cloned to my other website dedicated to amateur radio (ham radio); M0TTZ.UK Prologue Yaesu FT-4X is a very interesting handheld radio that is not very expensive (~ £65) and I believe is a good starting point compared to my previous Baofeng UV-5R Plus radio. I suggest you read the article by QRPblog in the references below for an in-depth review of FT-4X (also some comparison against Baofeng UV-5Rs)....

August 3, 2020 · 9 min · Ahmed Hefnawi

STM32 ARM-GCC Toolchain w/ GPIO_EXTI example

Prologue I have always wanted to build with an ARM MCU, STM32 was on top of my to-learn list. Happily, not so long ago a respected colleague lent me an STM32 Nucleo board to play with, as usual, it stayed in its box for a while and then I started learning about the STM32 MCU and the toolchain and the capabilities of that great MCU. So in this introductory post, I will discuss how to setup your Linux development environment and your arm-gcc toolchain to start compiling and running code on your STM32 MCU....

February 26, 2020 · 5 min · Ahmed Hefnawi

Teensy LC: HID USB Keyboard

This project is part of the Teensy LC Challenge Teensy Project 002: HID USB Keyboard Checkout the source code on Github. Teensy Setup The environment setup section is common to all the Teensy LC projects, so I created a single post with the required instructions to set up the Arduino IDE, Teensy Loader application, Teensyduino and Linux udev rules. If you have not setup your Teensy LC yet, please go to the complete setup guide...

February 18, 2020 · 2 min · Ahmed Hefnawi

Disco: Erlang/Python MapReduce #2

Please check Part 1 here if you have not already. Part 2: The Payload (Python Jobs) Preparing the Data (files) Disco Distributed Filesystem (DDFS) is a great low-level component of Disco. DDFS is designed with huge data in mind, so it made more sense to use it in my experiment as opposed to any other type of storage, for example, HDFS. Moreover, we can even store job results in DDFS, which we are going to do below....

October 19, 2019 · 6 min · Ahmed Hefnawi

Intro to Disco: an Erlang/Python MapReduce

Prologue This post is my take on reviving an old project (the last commit was 3 years ago) born around 2007/2008 at Nokia Research Center and written in Erlang. What was exciting for me is the fact that Disco project is capable of running Python MapReduce Jobs against an Erlang core, how awesome is that! — Erlang is a synonym for parallel processing and high availability. I successfully built it though and ran a 250M records dataset which is 10GB+ in size using a Python MapReduce job that finished in 28 minutes (improved from 44 minutes) using a cluster of 3 EC2 free-tier t2....

August 26, 2019 · 7 min · Ahmed Hefnawi